On 13 April at the age of 68 I am attempting to run the London Marathon.  Apart from an irresponsible desire to see if I can run a distance I have never run before, I am keen to raise money for Merton Mencap.  This local charity helps people in Merton with learning disabilities.

I was shocked to learn that here in the borough of Merton there are around 4,500 people with learning disabilities, and if Department of Health figures are correct, only just under 1,000 are known to local services for the disabled.

If readers feel they would like to help Merton Mencap in their excellent work for local people with learning disabilities they can donate via my fund raising website:


If people tick the box to gift aid Mencap will receive £1.25 for every £1 donated

Thanks on behalf of the 4,500 Merton residents with learning disabilities

Councillor Peter Walker,
Merton Council;
Caroline Road, Wimbledon