• The Humanitarian and Saving Lives Trust also known as HSLT will be providing a helping hand at the checkouts to Sainsbury’s Wimbledon customers by bag-packing on 18th and 19th of September • Customers can choose to make a donation on the day • All money raised will be going to HSLT to be used for helping people out of poverty and ensure elderly are able to live a dignified and a full life by relieving illness and promoting good health also improving the lives of children suffering hardship by provision of financial support and education in third worple countries.

Customers at Sainsbury’s Wimbledon are set to be offered a helping hand at the till by a local cause. Volunteers from HSLT will be providing a bag-packing service for customers on 18th and 19th of September to raise money for The Humanitarian and Saving Lives Trust.

The HSLT, situated in Stratford are being supported by Sainsbury’s Wimbledon to come in and Bag Pack at the end of our tills to help raise money for this charity.

Some volunteers from HSLT who will be taking part in the bag-pack which runs from 10: am to 6:00 pm said: “We’re really looking forward to helping pack Wimbledon customer’s shopping and would like to take the opportunity to thank Sainsbury’s for their support and helping to raise awareness of our Charity HSLT.

Customers will be able to make a donation to the HSLT on the day, with collection buckets being situated on the back of every checkout.

Based on information supplied by Sean Smith.