Joseph Hood Primary School is putting the finishing touches on its 2012 Summer Fair on 30 June from 12-3pm. With its theme of “WE LOVE LONDON”, the pupils, staff and PTA are getting ready to celebrate all that London has to offer, both this year (Olympics/Paralympics, the Diamond Jubilee) and every year (Wimbledon tennis, London landmarks and a rich history) .

In addition to all of the traditional treats such as face-painting, games, an international food stall, tombolas and a bouncy castle/inflatable slide – which classes will design to complement the WE LOVE LONDON THEME - the PTA is marking Mr. Punch’s 350th birthday and have secured Mrs. Back to Front, one of the only female Punch & Judy “professors” in the UK/ She will perform her acclaimed Punch & Judy show (developed for a younger audience) as well as a magic show that the whole family will enjoy.

“This is a year when the whole world has its eyes on London, so we wanted to celebrate that across our school and the community. It also gives our students and teachers the chance to showcase their learning in a fun and accessible way,” said Sue Wildgoose, PTA Chair.

Joseph Hood Primary is in the final phase of a 2-year building project to expand and update the school (completing in September 2012) and so must hold its Summer Fair offsite at the St. James Church on Martin Way.

“We have worked hard to help our pupils see how life goes on even in the midst of a massive building project. That’s why we are so grateful to St. James Church, because it is enabling us to have our fair even though we currently do not have space at school to do so,” said Anita Saville, head teacher. Any businesses wishing to donate a raffle/tombola prize or sponsor an activity should contact Sue Freeman . Information is also available at The Fair will run from 12-3pm on Saturday, 30 June at the St. James Church, Martin Way, Based on information supplied by Posey Furnish.