Raynes Park Safer Neighbourhood Team have been sending out regular crime updates to their residents by email and via the internet for some time; however, the Team has identified that residents around retirement age and above often don't have internet access and are still very keen to receive important crime related information on a regular basis.

As such the Team have recently launched a Safer Seniors Scheme with the intention that a paper newsletter will be produced and delivered regularly to those senior residents that wish to be added to the mailing list.

The Safer Neighbourhoods Team has also been working with related partner organisations such as Age Concern, Dial-a-Ride, and Merton Adult Social Services to find areas where they can work together as part of this scheme, in particular regarding vulnerable elderly residents who may have already become victims of crime.

The Raynes Park Safer Neighbourhood Team launched the scheme with members of the Carters Estate tea club and handed out some emergency 'message in a bottle' packs provided by the Lions Club; these plastic containers are designed to contain medication and doctor information to be kept in the resident's fridge in case the emergency services are called to them and need to find out about medical history.

A member of the Carters Estate Residents Association said "I've got one of the message in the bottle packs and it was really helpful when the ambulance service came to my house.

"I've given some of these out to friends because I think it's so important to have."

Sergeant Wheatley of the Raynes Park Safer Neighbourhoods Team said: "This scheme is very important in keeping regular communication between the Police team and those residents who are more likley to become victims of crime such as artifice burglary and rogue traders.

"This closer contact will also enable us to identify the most vulnerable people on our ward and to keep a database of their next of kins should the emergency services require them."

ON THE BEAT: Click here for more police news in Raynes Park and West Barnes wards.

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