An inspirational graduate who refused to let agoraphobia rule her life has carved out her own business attracting more than 65,000 hits on YouTube.

Sisley White, of South Park Road in Wimbledon, developed agoraphobia after graduating from Kingston University at the age of 20.

The now 23-year-old film student said: "Suddenly I was out in this big world and had to find a job.

"It was scary to go from timetabled classes to ‘now you can do whatever you want’.

"It took me a long time to even tell my friends that I had any troubles.

"I would make really silly excuses for not going out.

"It got to the point my friends were starting to ask have you been out at all recently.

"Because I was so scared of going out the idea of working was overwhelming."

Deciding not to let her anxiety get the better of her, the arty graduate started going to craft classes and attending trade shows to stock up her business Sew White - a sewing, craft, baking and gift website.

She said: "I had to go with my dad because all the traders thought I was so young and wouldn't take me seriously.

"I have even been told by one seller that it looks like a child playing shop, but I'm actually making money."

In the early days Miss White said to get one order a month was "incredible".

Two years later her website stocks a range of home and craft products with Sisley’s cake making tutorials attracting more than 65,000 views on You Tube.

She said: "It's so lovely to hear from people all over the world who have watched my video and have made my cakes and sent me photos - it is incredible."

The young entrepreneur is now preparing to take her wares onto the Wimbledon market scene and has aspirations to host baking classes and to publish her own cook book.