For centuries women have been fighting back against prejudice, from men and from society that promotes the typical roles society expects them to fulfill.

Groucho Marx once made a comment that “women should be obscene and not heard” this is a very patriarchal view of women! It is this really not how us women should be viewed?

Even today women are sometimes still stereotyped as"homemakers" and we are expected to be the one at home looking after the kids and carrying out the caring role.

However women are fighting back against this stereotype and breaking out of the mould. Women are now able to earn the same as men, and are providing for themselves and for their families on their own.

One woman who is doing this exact thing is Linda Paxton. The 31 year old single mother who lives in Wimbledon has recently opened up her own uni-sex beauty salon in Colliers Wood called "Lindy Lous".

Paxton has worked as a beauty therapist for over 12 years now. At the age of 14 she became a salon junior, and has worked in salons across London, Linda has also worked on a cruise ship as the ship’s beauty therapist.

All of these achievements contribute to the unique experience that the customer receives whilst visiting her salon. As well as her delightful and unique skills Linda also has a personality to match and will keep you entertained; there is no dull moment whilst in her company!

Ms Paxton has not only been showing the men how it’s done, but has been pampering them with beauty treatments too, Paxton tells us the men love to be pampered just as much as the women. Is there an increase in the number of "new men" on the horizon? We can only hope.

Ms Paxton really is an ideal model of today’s women; she has conquered the hurdles in her own personal life, set up her own business and has achieved her own aspirational dreams.

Based on information supplied by Jellan Emma Moran.