
  • Crime, and fear of crime, is falling sharply in Merton

    I am writing in response to misleading information both in a letter you published, Soaring crime rates mean people no longer feel safe, July 31, and an article entitled, Crime, alcoholism, drug-dealing and betting shops threaten to drive residents out

  • MP dodges the issue over secret letter

    Stephen Hammond’s response to my request to see his letter to Councillor Judge on the subject of parking in Wimbledon Village neatly illustrates the way that politicians avoid answering questions. He told your reporter: "I think that my

  • Labour-run council must act on empty properties

    I note Councillor Nick Draper's claims that adopting the Government's initiative of an empty homes premium to penalise householders who leave property vacant for more than two years was "not a viable thing to do politically" when Labour