
  • Karate Jutsu Kai makes its mark on the World Stage

    Fighters from the Karate Jutsu Kai British Squad represented the UK at the IBK World Cup on Saturday 10th March in Emmen, Holland. The event, held annually, sees the best knockdown fighters from across all member nations of the IBK (International Budo

  • Police set for single patrol base in Mitcham

    As some of you are aware we are in the final stages of arranging the move to Mitcham for a Single Patrol Base for the 999 response teams, emails will shortly be posted informing everyone when and how this will happen and how this will help us ensure

  • Guiding Fun in the Dark

    More than 400 Guides from the boroughs of Kingston, Merton, Richmond and Sutton decided they wanted an adventurous challenge in the dark and enjoyed and participated in ‘Fun in the Dark’ – a wide game and treasure hunt with a Pirate theme. The girls