With winter looking like its going to stick around for a bit longer, a Wandsworth resident is sharing recipes to spice evening meals up.

Rosalyn Carless, of Lydden Grove, has teamed up with Save the Children to launch a new food blog.

By publishing new and original recipes each week using inexpensive and easily sourced ingredients, she hopes to highlight what Save the Children and other charities are doing to help those most vulnerable.

Rosalyn said: "Obviously these are really tough times for many people here in the UK. Having to operate within a tight household budget can feel very limiting and I think most of us get a bit bored sometimes going home after a long day to a bowl of reheated pasta.

"The idea behind the blog is to inspire us all to try some new flavours, combinations and approaches but within the same household budget."

Launched at the start of the year, the blog has included ideas from the Ukraine, Bangladesh and Mozambique.

Another aim is to celebrate and share the culinary traditions of areas which have been hit hard by natural or man-made disaster and whose peoples have been dispersed as a result.

"Sharing food has the power to unify and comfort, but is also a wonderful way to preserve culture and heritage, especially among exiled people who miss home and want to retain something of their homeland in a foreign environment," she said.

"When I was growing up in Lydden Grove, our next door neighbours had recently come over from The Philippines.

"Some of my best childhood memories involve them popping over with plates of steaming dumplings, and then sharing wonderful memories as well as food.

"More recently I’ve been lucky enough to share similar experiences with friends from Venezuela, Syria, and Iran.

"Food has the power to transcend personal and political differences and to bring people together to share one of our most primal pleasures, whatever is going on in the world."

Many of the ideas published in future will feature old family recipes shared by friends which have been handed down by word of mouth through generations not to be found elsewhere in books or blogs.

Feast for Famine: https://feastforfamine.blog