By David Coleman, via email

Having sat and wriggled with crossed legs on many occasions, I speak with conviction when I say Councillor Alambritis is to be admired for toting a lavatory seat over his head to illustrate the lack of toilets at Morden tube station.

Perhaps he could go a step further and erect signs to direct travellers to the luxurious loos at the adjacent Civic Centre?

He would perhaps also care to sign up to our BOGOF campaign - Bring On Geriatric Outside Facilities.

Many supportive and caring retailers throughout the borough are now helpfully displaying our slogan on their placards.

We are at present seeking lottery funding and/or private donations to enable us to site a dozen portaloos on the under-used windy patio outside the said Civic Centre.

As an alternative, English Heritage have listened sympathetically to our desires to locate and acquire a cast iron Victorian open pissoir to enhance the attractions of this atmospheric spot.

This would also have the advantage of serving as a wind-break.

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