I write to redress the patently absurd claims by a previous letter writer (End AFC's aggressive ways, February 19), which suggests that actions online have caused the author to fear reprisals so much that they have withheld an e-mail address.

They also point to bullying and aggressive tactics by AFC Wimbledon and Erik Samuelson in particular. My word! What a cosseted world has this person been brought up in, that a mild-mannered retired accountant submitting a planning application, and being proud of it, constitutes bullying?

I would recommend that this person immediately lays forth the precise nature of this 'intimidation', 'slandering' and 'bullying' of apparent individual members of the community, if for no other reason than to root out the members of the Wimbledon fan base who now apparently have turned into some sort of witch hunting mob - a theory so ridiculous I despair.

At times this application process has appeared to be some sort of political football (pun intended) and now some  (and I fear I must call them alleged) residents are mud-slinging, trying to show that they don't want the big nasty bully-boy football fans to pitch up on their doorstep in case, you know, reasons.

I fear that the main source of the writer's chagrin is that they have read online forums debating the issue and taken umbridge...quick online safety lesson - don't use these forums! Not that I believe that you personally have the slightest thing to worry about...but there you go.

For clarity, the paper has my absolute authority to supply my e-mail address and the author of the unfortunate letter is more than welcome to contact me.

Chris Draper

via email