It has been a great pleasure and privilege to work with Councillor Jan Jones and Councillor Ron Wilson (An enormous contribution to the borough, October 30).

Jan had a close community relationship with Lower Morden prior to her election.

Jan worked tirelessly for the residents of Lower Morden and the wider Merton Community.

Jan worked first of all with the committee system and later the scrutiny panel system.

Jan piloted through many changes, perhaps her most demanding, and close to her heart, the Macpherson report (1998) following the disgusting racist murder of Stephen Lawrence in April 1993.

The scrutiny report was a fine example of her determination that Merton would act justly and correctly to every member of the community.

After leaving the UK for Australia to be near her family, Jan carried on her community work with disadvantaged families.

Ron was elected in 2004, and worked very hard on the planning committee till his retirement in 2010.

Ron worked relentlessly for residents.

Road safety after a young lady suffered serious injuries in Tudor Drive, was one of his main concerns.

Ron was determined the road layout would be improved.

Merton has lost two councillors who have given many years of their spare time in community service.

Two wonderful people.

Maurice Groves

Via email