Getting healthy at work just got easier thanks to Change4Life's new downloadable toolkit.

NHS Surrey are urging businesses across Surrey to access the Employer's Guide, posters, a challenge guide and loads of practical tips on being healthier at work on offer.

It makes business sense to use the toolkit too, as obesity related illnesses mean missed days at work.

Julie Nelson, Public Health Dietician at NHS Surrey, said: “The link between obesity and preventable illnesses, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and mental illness, is undeniable.”

She also emphasised how much time we spend at work and how what we eat during the day and how we get to work has a huge impact on health and wellbeing.

That applies no matter what size business, whether only a handful of people are employed there or a large staff of thousands.

Businesses can't afford to ignore health in the workplace as the U.K economy prepares to spend an estimated £20 billion in the next 10 years dealing with obesity related illnesses.

Download the toolkit from the 'Partners and Supporters' area of the Change4Life website: or phone 0300 123 1502 to order.