A new bus service for students with learning difficulties will launch in Merton next month.

The Bus Days service is free of charge and for children and young adults attending schools and colleges in Merton.

The monthly service is being introduced by Merton Mencap and enables passengers with special needs to experience independent travel in a safe and controlled environment.

Bus Days will run using an out of service bus from Merton Garage and will follow a pre-planned route accompanied at all times by TFL travel mentors, officers of the Safer Transport Teams, a road safety officer from LBM and travel training staff from Merton Mencap.

Passengers will be given a map of the route and will be able to practice getting on and off the bus at different stops.

Merton Bus days will run on the second Wednesday of every month beginning February 13th 2013.

There will be two sessions – one starting at 10.30 until 12 noon and the afternoon session runs from 12.45 to 2pm.

The bus will start from the S1 bus stand at Cricket Green, Mitcham (opposite the fire station) and will complete a circuit returning to the bus stand.

For more information or to book places contact Sara Gibbens on 0208 687 4661 or 07882783777 or email travel.trainer@swlondonmencap.nhs.uk